North Central Community Care Partnership (NCCCP)
North Central Community Care Partnership (NCCCP) is a coalition of volunteers in 9 counties in northern Nebraska with beginnings in 1997, incorporating as a 501c3 in 2001, renewed biennially. NCCCP is housed in North Central District Health Department (NCDHD), supporting the organization through coordination by an NCDHD staff person. NCCCP is the umbrella organization for several substance abuse prevention coalitions, nine-county Area Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (ASAP) along with 7 local community coalitions. Many funds for these coalitions come through NCCCP with NCDHD as the fiscal agent. These funds are not held by NCCCP, being held by and managed by NCDHD. Since NCCCP does not pay any staff this organization does not have the capacity to provide such tasks as managing payroll. NCCCP also plays a key role in the Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan. Many members of NCCCP are also active members in the workgroups establishing goals and strategies for appropriate focus areas.

Mission Statement:
Develop, link and support an accountable, collaborative public health system responsive to community needs and capacity.
Vision Statement:
Working Together To Build Healthier Communities
To formalize the commitment and support among network members, citizens, and elected officials in their mutual efforts to improve the public health system and the health status for residents in nine northern Nebraska counties of Antelope, Boyd, Brown, Cherry, Holt, Keya Paha, Knox, Pierce, and Rock.